Wie genial ist denn Bitte dieses Bett? Es kommt in Form eines riesen Vogelnests daher und lädt gerade dazu ein zu chillen oder sich auszuruhen. Finde ich ja einfach mal nur genial! die größte Version des Vogelnestes bietet sogar Platz für bis zu sechzehn Personen!

The “Giant Birdsnest for creating new ideas” was conceived and created by O*GE as a prototype for new and inspiring socializing space, which can be seen as a morph of furniture and playground. Its powerful, yet simple concept and intriguing character needs no explanation or user manual: Ready to to be used, to be played in, and be worked in. With its 4.50 m diameter the big version can host up to 16 people at once, offering a comfortable and sensual soft space, various siting positions, configurations for informal meetings and social exchange.
Up to now three different sizes have been developed and can be ordered at demand.
Simply jump in and enjoy.

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