Bei Facebook bin ich über die Fotografien von Tomohide Ikeya gestolpert, seine Serie Breath welche mich am meisten fasziniert hat findet ihr hier. Seine Website gibt’s hier zu sehen und nachfolgend noch ein paar kurze Informationen zu seiner Person:

Tomohide Ikeya was born in Japan. He’s met an underwater photographer having scuba diving as a hobby. Meeting this photographer made him wanting to be a photographer. Tomohide Ikeya started his career as a photographer assistant in 2000. he has been working as a freelance photographer since 2002. He creates artwork with the theme of control.

The first water series, „WAVE“ has been awarded 1st place in „Advertising (self promotion)“ categaory of International Photography Award 2007. At Prix de la Photography Paris 2008, both „WAVE“ and „BREATH“ (sequel to „WAVE“) have been given honorable mentions in „Water“ category.

In 2009, „BREATH“ has been awarded 1st place in the category „People – Other category“ , 2nd place in the category „Special – Moving Images“ My commercial work, „Nude Jewelry“ has also earned 2nd place in „Advertising – Catalogue“ at International Photography Award 2009, „BREATH“ has held an exhibition in Tokyo at the EPSON/epSITE gallery in July 2008, also in Dec. 2008 at the Nagaoka Institute of Design Gallery in Nigata.“

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