Recently, our good friend Ian McCausland, a commercial photographer here in Winnipeg, held an interesting event. Tired of seeing less-than-ideal profile photos on Facebook and Twitter, he decided to donate his skills & time, and offer his Facebook friends a free portrait.

Not only was the event a chance to help the profile photo impoverished, it was a great excuse for Ian and his various circles of online friends to actually meet, like actual, physical, in-the-same-room, type of meeting. A novel concept these days.

If you’re new to the Winnipeg creative community, you can quickly get up to speed by tapping into Mr. McCausland – by far the most connected guy we know. We’ve met a lot of great people through Ian.

Held at his studio, the event was a fun photo shoot/party. Naturally, we brought our cameras, and made a fun, l’il video of the event….

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