Leaders Der Typ von Nebenan8. September 2011Literatur0 Kommentare 0 teilen teilen merken Leaders are not what many people think–people with huge crowds following them. Leaders are people who go their own way without caring, or even looking to see whether anyone is following them. “Leadership qualities” are not the qualities that enable people to attract followers, but those that enable them to do without them. They include, at the very least, courage, endurance, patience, humor, flexibility, resourcefulness, determination, a keen sense of reality, and the ability to keep a cool and clear head even when things are going badly. This is the opposite of the “charisma” that we hear so much about. – John Holt Ähnliche Beiträge“notes To Myself” von Luke ChoiceFear of What Other People Will ThinkWas zählt ist Arbeit…Fleiß – Was einen wirklich weiter bringt… teilen teilen merken