Lower East Side People Der Typ von Nebenan6. April 2010Fotografie0 Kommentare 0 teilen teilen merken Lowa East Side People: Canon 5D mark II from Mike Kobal on Vimeo. Video portraits: The idea was to shoot video that looks like “breathing” photographs and use transitions that look like closing and opening aperture blades on a large format camera. The east village is the perfect place for this kind of project, known for its diverse community, one will find the most interesting faces to photograph. Tripod, 5D2 with 100mm 2 and 75mm-150mm, one afternoon of shooting. Enjoy! Music: http://mathieu.lozinguez.free.fr/ In diesem Sinne viele Grüße, der Typ von Nebenan Sebastian Ähnliche BeiträgeWhat’s The Last Photo On Your Smartphone – Chicago & DetroitMagnum Photographer Trent ParkeVSCO x ROG WALKERHandgefertigte Fahrräder von Kennedy City Bicycles teilen teilen merken