Röyksopp’s Adventures in Barbieland Der Typ von Nebenan13. August 2010Musik2 Kommentare 0 teilen teilen merken Röyksopp’s Adventures in Barbieland from Röyksopp on Vimeo. We had a vision, and in this vision we saw ourselves as a sleeping hobo and an old man respectively. The following is a vivid depiction of some of the events that occurred during an intended stay in Barbieland. And remember, It’s a true story…. Senior is out September 13th 2010, visit royksopp.com for more information, music and videos Video directed by Andreas Nilsson: nixonnoxin.com Nur mal so am Rande eingestreut, mich begeistert die Musik von Röyksopp einfach. Mal schauen ob ich mir auch das neue Album zulegen werde. Was haltet ihr davon ? In diesem Sinne viele Grüße, der Typ von Nebenan Sebastian – – – – via Hurkunde Ähnliche BeiträgeYears & Years ‚King‘SomeKindaWonderfulRüfüs – TonightRoute 94 – My Love teilen teilen merken