Skillshare Der Typ von Nebenan7. April 2011Alltag0 Kommentare 0 teilen teilen merken Die Website Skillshare wurde erst kürzlich gelauncht, wird meiner Meinung nach in nicht allzu langer Zeit ein voller Erfolg. Bei Skillshare handelt es sich um eine Plattform auf welcher jeder Lehrer, aber auch Schüler sein kann. Skillshare is a community marketplace to learn anything from anyone. Our mission is to flip the traditional notion of education on its head and democratize learning. We are challenging the assumption that learning only occurs within the four walls of a classroom. Instead, we’ll tap into existing communities and networks, which are the world’s largest universities. We believe that people care more about real-world skills than antiquated accreditation systems. Our communities are filled with these people who are great at what they do, whether it’s delivering a fantastic speech at a conference or baking a triple layer chocolate cake. Our vision is to unlock this knowledge and allow people to share their skills with those who want to learn them. What We Believe Everyone is a teacher, and everyone has valuable knowledge to share. Learning should not stop when you graduate from school. Learning should happen in communities around shared interests and passions. Everyone has a lifelong right to enjoy learning new things. Learning should be fun and interesting! Ähnliche Beiträgethe Expert Enough ManifestoPorsche GrandGT Panamera von TECHART3OH!3 – You’re Gonna Love ThisSchnelllebigkeit… teilen teilen merken