Bin gerade über die Website von Jan von Holleben gestoßen und die Bilder seiner Serie „Dreams of Flying“ fand ich schon faszinierend. Die Idee die dahinter steckt lautet wie folgt:

Jan brings the influences of his parents – a cinematographer and child therapist – to his work. His focus on the visual representation of childhood, ‘Child-History’ and concepts of ‘Playing’, come from his teacher training coursework: he combines these theories with his personal experience and childhood memories. Inspired by classic childhood books as well as modern superheroes, he has produced ‘Dreams of Flying’ since 2002 with children from his local neighbourhood in Southwest Germany – ongoing!

Am Besten die Bilder einfach mal auf sich wirken lassen, kann nicht schaden 😉

In diesem Sinne viele Grüße,
der Typ von Nebenan

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