Wer beim feiern nicht seine Schlüssel mitnehmen möchte kann in diesem schicken Stein seine Schlüssel verstecken. Prinzip ist bekannt, aber denoch immer wieder schick anzusehen. Zu kaufen für knapp 24$ im Shop von Spoonsisters – gibt auch unterschiedliche Größen der Steine.

Okay, it’s not rocket science, but this unassuming everyday rock conceals a secret when you turn it over. Pull out the red plastic cap to reveal a hole where you can stash an extra house key, or reasonably sized set of keys. The rock promises to sit anonymously amongst all the other rocks, shrubs, plants and trees on your property, keeping your keys safe till you need them. So much better than hiding a spare key under the mat, you just have to remember which rock it is, and where you put it. Sorry, not recommended for apartment dwellers. The size varies from 4 to 7 inches on this Rock Key Holder.

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