lesenswert #1 Der Typ von Nebenan3. August 2012Literatur0 Kommentare 0 teilen teilen merken Da ich Quote.fm in den letzten paar Tagen wieder ein wenig intensiver nutze und es in Zukunft auch weiterhin im täglichen Alltag einsetzen möchte gibt’s hier nun ab und an lesenswerte Artikel. Natürlich ist dies total subjektiv ob lesenswert oder nicht – aber kein Problem ist ja mein Blog. Ansonsten würde ich mich auch über Empfehlungen von euch freuen! The Phones Are Out, but the Robot Is In »We try to have an organization that just helps you get your work done, and then it’s my job to eliminate all of the risks and all the distractions so you can just focus on achieving. That attracts people who are primarily motivated by how much they achieve.« _sebastian recommended this article from nytimes.com OH MY GOD. I JUST WITNESSED THE SINGLE GREATEST MOMENT IN HUMAN HISTORY. »“Are you try’na start me c**t? You wanna go me you f**king c**t? You wanna f**ing go me?” Ah, truly the words of a poet. But not even Oscar Wilde himself could have predict the Batman-esque reaction of: “Yeah, actually. Let’s do this. Off the bus.”« _sebastian recommended this article from likethebookshop.tumblr.com A Blueprint for Leadership: Show, Don’t Tell »I think of teaching as teasing out what’s already inside of people, and helping them to get better. Teaching has a lot to do with getting other people enthusiastic about something, and feeling that you want to create that spark.« _sebastian recommended this article from nytimes.com It’s Not About Me. It’s About Our Company Values. »What has your father taught you about leadership? A. How to exercise patience. When you’re young, you’re ready to change the whole world. I would walk down the hallway, excited about something, and say to him: “I have a great idea. We’re doing this.” Before I even got to the next word, he’d say: “Take a deep breath. O.K. Now we’re going to talk.” And just by having that moment, it resets you, in good times and bad.« _sebastian recommended this article from nytimes.com If You Don’t Know Your Co-Workers, Mix Up the Chairs »We’ve been working in this space for a long time, and it’s taken me a while to realize that just because I understand things doesn’t mean that everyone else understands them.« _sebastian recommended this article from nytimes.com In Job Hunting, the Pas de Deux of Seeker and Offerer »Perhaps it’s best to consider job hunting as a lot like dating. Both parties are trying to figure each other out, sometimes with scanty information. You rarely know who the competition is. You don’t want to talk about heavy things too early, though you should be ready when they arise. And when an opportunity comes along — tempting as it might be — don’t commit to something that’s wrong for you.« _sebastian recommended this article from nytimes.com Ähnliche Beiträgelesenswert #2Tom Wood – Kill ShotRyan David Jahn x Der letzte MorgenSalt & Silver teilen teilen merken