Life as a Photographer on Capitol Hill Der Typ von Nebenan15. März 2011bewegte Bilder0 Kommentare 0 teilen teilen merken A rare glimpse into the way press photographers cover the politicians of the United States Congress and the problems they face. Leading political photographers in Washington talk about the perills of the 24/7 news cycle and the increasingly sparce access. „It’s the genesis of the image as much as the ontological image itself that matters.“- Dr. Kerric Harvey, Media Anthropologist at GWU. Ähnliche BeiträgeWhat’s The Last Photo On Your Smartphone – Chicago & DetroitStilpirat Steffen Böttcher im Interview mit Kevin McElvaneyChampions League Finale mit Joel Marklund von Bildbyrån Photo AgencyNo Nationality – People of Los Angeles teilen teilen merken