pushing… Der Typ von Nebenan3. Dezember 2012Leben0 Kommentare 0 teilen teilen merken “I’ve built my entire career on pushing myself to do things that I didn’t believe I could do. I pushed myself to learn this thing called web design and HTML and then later, CSS. I pushed myself to try to design a building with letters and numbers, which led to my letterpress posters. For me, you could define my career by that alone—pushing myself to do things that I didn’t think I could do or that I thought I had no qualifications to do, yet I found a way to make them happen. – Cameron Moll” Großartiges Zitat welches ich dem Interview mit Cameron Moll in The Great Discontent entnommen habe. Unbedingt lesen wenn ihr ein wenig Zeit habt. Ähnliche BeiträgeKindnessMr. Right & Mrs. ALWAYS RightFear of What Other People Will Think teilen teilen merken