Der Fotograf Thomas Hawk hat schon vor längere Zeit ein ziemlich cooles Projekt gestartet, es heißt 2$ Portrait Project. Der Name ist hier Programm, Hawk bietet Bettlern die ihm um ein wenig Geld bitten, 2$ im Tausch für ein Portrait und ihre Geschichte an.

[…] I am going to offer $2 to anyone who asks me for money in exchange for their portrait. While I’m taking their portrait I’m going to ask their name and try to learn a little bit about them. I plan on doing this for the rest of my life — assuming that I can afford to.

To make things easier I’m putting $2 in reserve money in a special place in my wallet so that even if I don’t have change I will always have the $2 to hand over.

In part I’m undertaking this project because I realize that I’ve been avoiding people asking me for money. My biggest motivation behind this project however is simply that I think human interaction is a good thing. I’m not doing this to exploit homeless people or show how hard and bad life can be. I’m doing this because I want to celebrate other human beings as human beings and I think that this commercial transaction gives us an opportunity to engage and interact on a more human level… and I also think that I can take a pretty decent portrait.

Seine bisher aufgenommenen Portraits findet Ihr in seinem Flickr Album, mit der dazu gehörigen Geschichte. Wollt ihr selbst an dem Projekt teilnehmen könnt ihr eure Fotos in seiner Flickr Gruppe hochladen.

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