Die Dokumentation, welche mit einer Canon 5D MKll gedreht wurde, gibt einen wunderbaren Einblick in das Leben im Libanon und Ägypten. Einfach nur Atemberaubend in meinen Augen.

This is a montage of footage a few friends and I shot for a Documentary during the summer/fall of 2009.
The documentary was shot entirely on the canon 5D MKll in and around Cairo and Beirut. Big ups to Magic Lanterns Firmware update, as well as the Kessler Pocket Dolly for being a huge help in making this happen.
Music: Nikos – Secret Love
Editing/ Color Grading- Khalid Mohtaseb

Schaut’s euch an und genießt es!

via Farbwolke, Vimeo – Egypt / Lebanon Montage by Khalid Mohtaseb

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