Heute einfach mal nur komplett übernommen von Minimal Mac, weil ich seine Links und Gedanken einfach nur genial finde. In den verlinkten Artikel findet man Wege, sowie Tipps und Tricks zu einer Inbox Zero im eigenen Emailfach. Definitiv einen Blick wert !

So, I’m working on something that has me looking at a lot of posts that I have read and enjoyed over the years concerning email. Specifically, how to get and stay on top of it. Those who have followed here long enough know that I really enjoy looking at how other people work. I feel you can often get more ideas and inspiration by watching others use the wheel then by reinventing it yourself. With that in mind, here are a few of the links that I have used for my research thus far:

Merlin Mann’s Inbox Zero Articles

Minimal Mac | 52 Tiger » Mail rules

Minimal Mac | Interview With Diego Petrucci of Il Mac Minimalista (Part 1)

Change the subject please.

Minimal Mac | Two Good Posts About Email

Turn off that dock unread count – (37signals)

Empty Your Inbox with the Trusted Trio

The Three Labels (or Folders)

Work Smart: Conquering Your Email Inbox | Fast Company

In diesem Sinne viele Grüße,
der Typ von Nebenan

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