I think those are the key words of the trip. 🙂

Mit diesem Satz beginnt Arthur Mola seinen Blog Post bei APhotoContributor und was soll ich sagen was dann folgt hat mich doch leicht erstaunt. 300 Bilder in einem einzigen Blogpost, von seinem viertÀgigen Trip durch L.A.

I only shot film with my Zeiss Ikon coupled with my Zeiss Biogon 35mm f/2 lens as well as Chris‘ Leica Noctilux 50mm f/1.0. I left LA with 14 rolls of a mix of Kodak Tri-X, Plus-X and Rollei Pan 25. I developed and scanned them about a week ago but going through all the photos and trying to sequence them is very tough. Especially for a trip that I believe was very important and memorable.

Out of the 504 photos, there are close to 300 in this blog… which is a pretty good ratio I think. I posted more than every other photo I took there and I maybe should have cut it down but I hope you’ll enjoy it. I will do a feature for my dot com of about the 20 best photos… that will be super hard to choose so if you have suggestions I’d love to hear. But for the blog close to 300 is fine. 😉

Die ganzen Bilder könnt ihr euch entweder direkt bei APhotoContributor anschauen oder eine Auswahl der Bilder auf Arthur Molas Website. Ich empfehle euch dass ihr euch die volle Ladung gebt und den Trip anhand seiner Bilder selbst miterlebt. Das ist einfach Street Photography mitten ins Gesicht, so wie ich es liebe.

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