TRI▲NGLE Der Typ von Nebenan12. Juli 2010bewegte Bilder0 Kommentare 0 teilen teilen merken TRIANGLE is a video work done for the book ‚Black Material‘ which showcases Robert Knoke’s artwork. Curator Jens Karlson asked me to make a short animation and get Robert Knoke’s black and white artwork as base for video. I chosed to create tense harmony between geometrical forms and organic movements. Combustion helped me to expand possibilites of Black material with his strong music and sound design. Client: Vgroup, 00 Role: Art Direction, Design, Animation, Compositing Date: June 2010 Format: Short Film 1280×720 HD Sound: Combustion via Vimeo Ähnliche BeiträgeDamned oder ein Bieber der von Großem träumt…Big GameVicenta ein Kurzfilm…Dragonboy teilen teilen merken