Bird Nest Chair Der Typ von Nebenan3. November 2011Design0 Kommentare 0 teilen teilen merken Unter dem Namen Eyrie Chair hat Floris Wubben diesen Stuhl designt. Viel passender ist jedoch der Name Bird Nest Chair, da dieser tatsächlich stark an ein Vogelnest erinnert, Floris ließ sich auch von einem solchen inspirieren. The nest of a bird is an inventive piece of natural architecture. As a designer, who works a lot with natural material, I was always fascinated by these natural structures. The Eyrie Chair is an ode to these natural constructions.During my search for branches I was specifically interested in the forms. The specific forms of these wooden branches inspired as well in making this design. For making the nest steam-bended ash has been used. The connections between the ash slats are made by an ash pin and wood glue. The frame has been formed by wooden branches – – – > Floris Wubben Ähnliche BeiträgeVitra Eames RAR SchaukelsesselDream Chairs von Tadao AndoIvetta Chair von Giancarlo CutelloCorkigami Chair von Carlos Ortega Design teilen teilen merken